Apply to Become a Humanist Lay Leader

Humanist Lay Leader

$ 40 00 Application Fee
  • Strong understanding of humanism and commitment to humanist values
  • Demonstrated leadership experience; preferably in humanist groups and settings
  • Plan for using endorsement
  • Continual Membership with the American Humanist Association
  • Annual Professional Fee
    ($25 military; $100 non-military)

The Process:

Complete Application

Submit your application online.
Step 01

Request References

During the application you will be asked to send a form to 3 references.
Step 02

Pay Fees

Pay your Application Fee
Join or Verify your AHA Membership.
Step 03


Staff will reach out to schedule a phone interview.
Step 04

Board Review

The Board of Directors will review your packet and vote
Step 05

Pay Professional Fee

Once approved by the Board, your professional fee will be due.
Step 06